Bashrc Update Alias
These days we have all sorts of methods for updating software on Linux systems. Personally, I have systems running NixOS, Fedora, Ubuntu, some with flatpaks & snaps, and fwupd for firmware.
Wouldn't it be nice to have a single bash alias for updating your local system, regardless of origin?
This is my update alias used across all systems, dumped into my ~/.bashrc file
alias updoots="sudo su -c ' \
hash apt 2>/dev/null && \
apt update && \
apt dist-upgrade -y && \
apt autoremove --purge -y && \
apt autoclean; \
hash dnf 2>/dev/null && \
dnf update -y && \
dnf autoremove -y; \
hash nixos-rebuild 2>/dev/null && \
nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade && \
nix-collect-garbage; \
hash flatpak 2>/dev/null && \
flatpak update -y && \
flatpak uninstall --unused -y; \
hash snap 2>/dev/null && \
snap refresh; \
hash fwupdmgr 2>/dev/null && \
fwupdmgr refresh --force && \
fwupdmgr update -y; \